Gosh another month gone already.. time certainly flies doesn't it.
So, welcome to another new feature here on Lozza's Book Corner. I'm been toying with the idea of doing something like this for a while now - a few of my blogging buddies do weekly wrap ups / stacking the shelves features but due to my work hours fluctuating recently I'm not sure I could commit to weekly posts.
Monthly "wrap up/ TBR" posts also seem quite popular but I didn't want to title the post "March Wrap Up & April TBR" like everyone else - especially as I feel thats a little restrictive to purely books I've read and books I plan to read.
Therefore, for the time being, "Goodbye Month.... Hello Month" seems to fit my needs better - best get on with it then eh?!
Lots happened in March actually so here's a summery;
I read and reviewed a total of 4 books and 4 novella's -
Wicked Dix by Monica James
Sleepless in Manhattan by Sarah Morgan
The Night That Changed Everything by Laura Tait and Jimmy Rice
Summer Nights at the Moonlight Hotel by Jane Costello
I'm Not In Love
Ways To Say Goodbye
One Starry Night
all by Tilly Tennant
The Summer I Met You by Victoria Walters

One book I started reading and yet to finish is Dear Amy by Helen Callaghan. This was kindly provided as a review book from the Love Reading panel and although it isn't my usual genre it does have a really good story line. What I am finding tough though is the writing style - I'm finding myself having to re-read paragraphs as they go off track at times and so it's a slow progress, that said, I shall keep at it as i really want to know the outcome!
I had one guest review also in March from Katrina who read Jane Fallon's Strictly Between Us.
I was lucky enough to receive some fabulous book post this month too - thank you publishers. From now on I'll log what books I get within the month - I was't very organised for this post haha!
March also saw Lozza's Book Corner partake in 7 blog tours... two for Avon with The Woman Who Upped & Left and Mean Sisters, The Love Triangle with Harper Impulse, Faerie Wedding with Neverland Blog Tours and with Brook Cottage Books I took part in all three of the Tilly Tennant books mentioned earlier.
Event wise I popped down the road to Southampton for Catherine Miller's book launch where we enjoyed tea and cake! I also visited London for the Spring Blogger Event and Salisbury just last night for an evening with Joanna Cannon.
Finally, I started off the 'My Book Corner' feature. Two others joined me this month sharing their books and work spaces - thank you again JB from Brook Cottage Books and Kate of Bibliophile Book Club.
I'm going to start Hello April simply with Cover Reveals.
Thanks to Helena at Avon there's quite a few coming up over the next few weeks.
Speaking of the lovely Helena, she joins me on the blog this month sharing her Book Corner.
My Book Corner is posted on the blog on Sunday's and is open to bloggers, authors and publishers alike - as long as your a avid book reader you can take part.
So far for April I have 5 blog tours planned including The Wedding Date and Shtum to name a couple.
At the end of the month I'm going to an evening with Erica James and there are two book launches I'm hoping to attend - Isabelle Broom's for My Map of You and Victoria Walters for The Second Love of my Life - both of these will also have reviews up this month.
To finish this post then, the books from my TBR other than those mentioned for tours, that I'm hoping to read are;
One in a Million Boy - Monica Wood
The Second Chance Shoe Shop - Marcie Steel
The Summer We Danced - Fiona Harper
Who's That Girl? - Mhairi McFarlane

Wish me luck please?! What do you plan to read during April? Comment below or tweet me @LozzaBookCorner as I'd love to know.
Happy Reading!
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