Sunday 17 July 2016

My Book Corner | Sue Fortin

I'm over the moon to be joined today by another local-ish author, Sue Fortin, who shares with us a bit about her and her reading/writing spaces...

Thank you so much for inviting me onto your blo, Laura.

I'm married with four children and live in West Sussex. It's a busy household as three of my children are in their late teens and above and my youngest is at primary school, so there's always lots going on at both ends of the scale. 
Despite everything, I still manage to find time to read and write. I've always been a bookworm, so it seemed a natural progression to go onto to be a writer. I'm a bit of an armchair thrill seeker, in that I love to read books or watch films that fall into the thriller/action category. I write romantic suspense where I can indulge myself in mixing the two up. 

My writing space is a desk in the corner of the living room or the dining table, although recently I've taken to dabbling in coffee shop writing where I'm free from the distraction of the internet.

I find it really difficult to settle down to writing if there are things around me that need doing. I have to tidy up first so my mind isn't cluttered. This can mean I don't always get down to writing as soon as I should, hence my new coffee shop regime above. That way I'm not tempted to start clearing tables and getting the dishwasher loaded.

Sue Fortin is Published by Harper Collins imprint Harper Impulse and writes

romance, mystery and suspense.

Her originally self-published debut novel was awarded the INDIE Brag

Medallion and later when published by HarperImpulse was short-listed

for the Joan Hessayon Award (2014). Sue was also short-listed for the

Festival of Romance, New Talent Award (2013). Her second novel,

Closing In, reached number one in the Romantic Suspense Kobo chart

at the end of 2014. Sue blogs regularly with the on-line writing group The

Romaniacs (

Lover of cake, Dragonflies and France. Hater of calories, maths and

snakes. Sue was born in Hertfordshire but had a nomadic childhood,

moving often with her family, before eventually settling in West Sussex.

Sue is married with four children, all of whom patiently give her time to

write but, when not behind the keyboard, she likes to spend her time

with them, enjoying both the coast and the South Downs, between which

they are nestled.

You can catch up with Sue at

Facebook Sue Fortin Author

Twitter @suefortin1

Website & Blog

HarperImpulse Author Page

Amazon Author Page

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