
Wednesday 26 October 2016

Blog Tour ~ Review | Miracle on 5th Avenue (From Manhattan With Love, #3) ~ Sarah Morgan

Miracle on 5th Avenue - 
From Manhattan With Love #3
Sarah Morgan
October 2016
Rating: 5/5

Hopeless romantic Eva Jordan loves everything about Christmas. Even if she is spending it alone housesitting a spectacular Fifth Avenue apartment. What she didn’t expect was to find the penthouse still occupied by its gorgeous–and mysterious–owner.
Bestselling crime writer Lucas Blade is having the nightmare before Christmas. With a deadline and the anniversary of his wife’s death looming, he’s isolated himself in his penthouse with only his grief for company. But when the blizzard of the century leaves Eva snowbound in his apartment, Lucas starts to open up to the magic she brings…This Christmas, is Lucas finally ready to trust that happily-ever-afters do exist?

I cannot tell you how eager I have been to read Eva's story since I was approved a NetGalley copy - Thank you Cara! - however I purposely put off reading until I knew I had a completely free day to delve in and delve in is what I did.
As with Paige's story in Sleepless in Manhattan and Frankie's in Sunset Over Central Park, I completely devoured Miracle on 5th Avenue in one sitting - who needs to eat or drink anyway, right?!

From Manhattan With Love is the first books I have read from Sarah Morgan, to say she's now a firm favourite author would be an understatement - although I'm not sure I will ever catch up with her back catalogue ;-)

As I said, I was very much looking forward to reading Miracle on 5th Avenue but knowing the little about Eva we did from the first two books, I was a little apprehensive that the book would be a little too romantic - you know how you really fancy an indulgent hot chocolate and then after realise you shouldn't have had the marshmallows and cream? I guess I was a little concerned that the novel would be too over indulgent on Eva's hopeless romantic side and happy ever after as sometimes you can have a too much of a good thing....

I was completely wrong!

Miracle on 5th Avenue was completely different to Sleepless in Manhattan and Sunset Over Central Park, in the fact that it featured Eva and Lucas and very little of the other characters, although there where references to Paige and Frankie, and their company Urban Genie - which is doing fabulously!

Eva has been hired by one of the companies regular clients, Mitzy, with the task to decorate her grandson's 5th Ave apartment for the holiday season and to stock pile his freezer, whilst he is away in Vermont writing his next crime novel.

Only Lucas isn't in Vermont.
He's hiding out in his apartment and isn't overly impressed with Eva's arrival.

Despite Eva's love for sunshine, happiness, good food and unicorns, I felt she really came into her own in this book. She had a fiesty side which I wasn't expecting - telling Lucas exactly how it is and not beating around the bush!
This side of Eva intrigues Lucas and suddenly he starts to have an idea about characters and plots for his new crime book - one in which he is supposed to have completed in time for Christmas yet has nothing penned to paper.

I'm not really a crime book fan but having the odd reference to murder and blood to tie in with Lucas' occupation, really worked well and gave a great balance to the story.

As the book progresses, Eva starts to open up about how the loss of her Grandmother has effected her, Lucas has an equally sad story to tell and its clear that they both bring out the best in each other.

Miracle on 5th Avenue is full of wonderful dialogue containing lots of raw and honest emotion and banter - the sexual tension between these two literally oozed off the pages!
The book wasn't all smelling of roses - there's lots of moments when the pair are against each other, particularly when they start to get close but Lucas backs away refusing to love again - even towards the end as the last few pages were turned, I had to question whether Eva would get the happy outcome we all know she craves and deserves.

Miracle on 5th Avenue is a delightful story about falling in love and taking chances, and even though Paige and Frankie play a small part in this book, the fundamental statement of good friendship shines through when it's needed.

I've loved discovering Sarah Morgan with this From Manhattan With Love series, and am over the moon to discover that Sarah is writing a further three books set here - I do hope though that this gorgeous trio of character friends aren't forgotten and make some cameos as I feel there's much more to their stories.


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