
Sunday 13 March 2016

My Book Corner | Bibliophile Book Club

I'm delighted to have Kate from Bibliophile Book Club on my blog today to join in with the My Book Corner Feature...

Kate, can you tell us about your Book Corner/Writing Space?

My book corner consists of two bookcases full of books that I have to read. At last count I think I have 250ish physical books on my TBR. I also have a huge bookcase full of books that I've read, but don't want to get rid of. My series' live there, the Chris Carters, the Lee Child's, the Jack Kerley's and so on! I've culled those shelves a few times, but space is still an issue! 

Do you have a favourite shelf/collection of books? Or favourite part of your Book Corner?

My favourite part of my read shelves is definitely all my series. I am a sucker for series, but I haven't gotten stuck into a good one in a while as I've been busy with the blog! My favourite part of my TBR is my signed first editions, my signed hardback copy of Nightblind by Ragnar Jónasson as it's the first book I've ever been quoted in and my signed copy of For Reasons Unknown from Michael Wood, one of my standouts of 2015. 

Do you have any reading/writing habits, Kate?

My oddest one is definitely that I can only start a new book once I get into bed at night! I cannot start a book during the day, it just doesn't happen for me! With two kids, I don't get much chance to even look at a book during the day so by starting at night I give myself at least 30 mins to get a good chunk of a book started! 

Kate, How do you keep apart, track and control your TBR to read books?

Hahahahahahaha! My TBR is INSANE at the moment! I've passed the 450 books to be read mark, and this month alone (February) I added 58 books to it! I try to keep any arc proofs that I get for review together, and I try to keep only my arcs or author review requests on my Kindle app in my iPad as that way I can see easily what I have to read and for whom. As for the books I buy for myself, they are all shelved. Where possible they're grouped by author and/or genre but it's hard to organise it properly as my shelves are very mismatched and my books are all shapes and sizes. 

Can you provide links to your social media handles please Kate so people can keep track of what you are reading?

Twitter: @bibliophilebc
Instagram: bibliophilebookclub

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